Noticed Beach Volleyball colleges coaches clinic in Hermosa Beach July
6th, 2015
One day only – space is
limited Two sessions:
2-4 PM on July 6th
5-7 on July 6th
The clinics will be held at courts
10-12 on the north side of the Hermosa Beach Pier. Open to any and all entrants.
All clinics will be coached by
USAV Head Coach Jose Loiola, LSU Head Coach Russel Brock, UCLA Head
Coach Stein Metzger, and Bakersfield Head Coach Olivia Simko. This is
your opportunity to train with various coaches from division 1 sand
beach volleyball colleges.
Get Noticed Beach
Volleyball colleges coaches clinic in Hermosa Beach July 20th, 2015
One day only – space is
limited Two sessions:
3-5 PM on July 20th
The clinics will be held at courts
10-12 on the north side of the Hermosa Beach Pier. Open to any and all entrants.
All clinics will be coached by
Coach Stein Metzger.