What to expect at a GNBV College Recruiting Showcase

National Level Play
Colleges get to watch you play through the day against players from across the United States, Canada, and often international teams. This is key, since playing against the widest range of players possible helps prove players are both skilled and capable of handling serious competition.
Attending a GNBV College Recruiting Showcase gives athletes the ability to get noticed by a variety of colleges, universities at all different levels. You sign up as a team and play in pool play two games to 21 in a pool of 4, matches in 3 team pools, and 1 game to 28 in 5 team pools. Everyone then moves on to various playoffs brackets so collegiate coaches have the chance to watch as many athletes as possible. At GNBV, coaches know who you are, and where and when you are playing because we use live scoring so coaches can follow progress and make it from one side of the event to the other before games are done.
Preparation Before Event Day
Once you are signed up college coaches can view your registration on Volleyball Life. Make sure to send coaches an email letting them know you will be attending GNBV with the date and location, at least a week in advance. Make sure your information on Volleyball Life is public, such as your own highlight videos on your YouTube account with your name in the title, and other pertinent details listed. You also have permission settings in volleyball life for email and phone contact information. As a recruiting showcase, GNBV can not send emails on your behalf. You must do so on your own. We recommend sending your videos, plus a very short bio and current grades, to coaches at schools you are interested in. Make sure your social media is prepared for review, and make sure you are a professional athlete at our event. NCAA recruiting rules can be very specific. Check out the specifics for yourself on one of the many websites that explain the current rules.
Event Day Preparation
The day of the showcase you can email the coaches you are interested in watching you with your schedule. Feel free to send them a text or email before your next game. NCAA recruiting rules are detailed and you should be aware of them…here’s a place to start: https://www.ncsasports.org/beach-volleyball/recruiting-rules
GNBV is not a recruiting service so as always we welcome athletes to bring their club coaches, or recruiter to the event.
What to Expect
Expect a full day of playing in pool play and playoffs, ending as late as 5-6 pm. Expect coaches to be walking around looking for those players who made contact with them prior to the event. At GNBV, players are the stars, and you are the showcase.
Put your best foot forward. Coaches are looking for athletes who handle stress well, who are good sports no matter if they win or loose, and are a positive partner no matter what the situation. Coaches are looking to fill spots for a certain graduation year based on many different factors. Staying positive and showing you are a team player always helps. Don’t fight over a call, ask for replays and make good calls when reffing.
Event Check In
Showcase division athletes should check in on their own through Volleyballlife. Look for the self check in email the morning of the event.
GNBV is NOT a recruiting service or scout, we host college coaches clinics, virtual and in person college recruiting showcases and tournaments!